- A set of slope hats
- A best seller collection
- Another best seller collection
- ladies flower pot hats
- A fun group of hats from recycled sweaters
- toque hats made from cashmere and merino wools
- hooty hoot owl hats for kids and adults
- Little girl flower pot hats
- hat and scarf combos
- Little Girl Flower pot hats
- Falling leaves scarves
- Some woolagins
- Some tooth fairy pillows
- UgaBuga Bags
- Adult and Kiddo Hooty Hoot Hats
I’m very Interested in purchasing a hat:). How do I go about doing that? Do y’all have catalogs?
Yvette, where are you located? The first place I like to send folks is to the retailers that carry my work, you can find them on the store locator page under the find us tab. Then I do a number of shows in the Fall/ mostly in the North and Central Texas region. At least one of the retailers also has some of my work online, Blue Pomegranate – you can get to my page in their catalog here. We do not have a retail catalog at this time, if you are still having trouble finding a place to get a Cimarrona hat, e-mail me via the contact page.
Hi MaryAnn, I sell in some locations around the country- but if there is not a location near you then I am happy to sell to you on line. If you let me know what styles you are interested in I can send a photo with what I have in stock. I will take a closer look at my links on the website, and get those fixed. Let me know what styles have caught your eye.
thanks, Leslie @ Cimarrona
I bought on of your hats in Manzanita Oregon and it is my favorite thing I own. Where can I buy more I bought the last one. Thank you