art shows

Playing it Safe

Twentytwenty has been a year that we can’t get to the end of soon enough. But before it closes we will have a small show- outdoors – masked and socially distant. This time of the year- in the past- I have celebrated with friends and family and enjoyed a busy Fall schedule of being at art shows with my art tribe. This has not been the year for that- but two of my art friends and I have rotated an “Art In The Yard” show, first Dallas, the Waxahachie- and it comes to Denton, TX Saturday December 5, 2020. You […]

What is on your list?

Well, The season of Thanks is giving way to the season of Giving and Sharing. If you are one the types that looks for just the right thing for just right person then I hope you will shop at one of the special locations that sell Cimarrona items (find our list under the “Find Us” tab). These Galleries and Shops are chock full of really wonderful and unique things. – or – Find the latest and biggest selection of Cimarrona items at one of the shows that I will be at: The Randy Brodnax and Friend Art Show and Sale […]

Days are Getting Shorter

  It may not quite seem like it yet, but Fall really is just around the corner. That means cooler days, and chilly nights. I have started shipping warm hats out from the studio and have most of the shows on the books. Enjoy the last few days of heat and humidity- and then bring on the cold front!