Last week my friend, Cindy contacted me. She had been hiking on the trail behind her house and noticed a hat laying on the trail. She guessed the owner might return to look for it, so she left it. The next day, however; the hat was still there. She picked it up and what to her wondering eyes should appear, but the Cimarrona label inside. Ha! So, she let me know about it, and I posted a “found hat” entry on the Cimarrona facebook page. Within hours the owner- Denise, had seen the post, and contacted me with a description. It was hers and she’d lost it while chasing after her dog that was making a run for it. Today she let me know that she had been reunited with her hat. I love happy endings.
I’ve had the joy of seeing folks walking around town wearing Cimarrona hats. I want to yell to them; “Hey, I made that hat you’re wearing!!”- but what weirdo does stuff like that?? So, I just smile a big smile and enjoy the moment. The lost and found hat incident will go down in the books as one of the more unusual Cimarrona hat stories. So, just to make it easier for us all. Take a sharpie and write inside your hat….. IF LOST PLEASE RETURN TO____________” and put your name and number in the blank. Like my husband has always done with everything, you never know when you may want that hat to find it’s way home.